All free printables mentioned within the post are now expired and available for sale! Please check out my Etsy Shop for a large selection of personalized printables to fit all of your household organizing needs!
Thank you!
It's been thirty-one days of Household Binder heaven! We created, we shared, we drained our printer cartridges, we were binder-makin' fools! The time investment in the binder this month is sure to reap endless rewards for our family. I have always been intrigued by the idea, but it took making one to really see how this will create a new "ease" to our lifestyle.
Let's recap why the Jones abode is sure to run smoother as a result:
1. The very first step in creating this essential household tool, was to brainstorm categories, pick out our materials and create a cover sheet:
2. The first tab I created was "School Info" which is a place to store all of the important fliers that come home from school, which includes: sporting schedules, newsletters and spelling words.
Now instead of digging through individual mail stations, all current school related materials are located in one easy to find location.
3. Next I created a "Finance" tab. This is where I include our current bill paying checklist:
I also took full advantage of having pockets in the binder divider tabs! One side get's to hold our checkbooks for when we pay our bills...
And the other is a great place to slip those billing statements as they come in the mail and need to be paid:
Now, twice a month when we pay our bills, we can go right to the Finance tab and log our expenses and send out our payments. There is never a question where anything is! Love that! And right now we do the rest of our budget tracking in Microsoft Excel, but I am fond of the idea of printing out our budget and keeping it here as well.... more on that as we migrate!
4. Next, the all important "Contact Info" tab. This one was a doozy, chock full of information, yet, a great place to keep all of those important numbers in one very central location. Need to look up the number for your pediatrician? Check. How about your auto insurance agent? Check. Air conditioner not turning on as the weather get's warmer? Come to this tab to find out the repair man's number!
I also added a baseball card sleeve for any business cards we accumulate along the way!
5. Sometimes we travel or need to leave our little ones and furry friends with a sitter. The next tab encompasses everything we need when we head away from home. I slipped some travel checklists into the divider tab pockets. Then, I also added a couple copies of Babysitter Note Sheets, which provides anyone watching the boys with some important information.
I didn't want to forget about our Bentley, since he is just like a kid to us!
I also thought it would be a nice option to add a daily schedule breakdown, so that the kid's can maintain their daily routines while we are away....
I also popped in a CPR reference sheet to remind anyone what to do in case of an emergency {hopefully it's never needed, but better safe than sorry!}:
6. What good would the Household Binder be, if it didn't help me keep my Household in tip top shape? The "Home Maintenance" tab is next.
Here, I placed a laminated copy of our cleaning checklist:
Along with a Home Maintenance checklist, that includes all sorts of reminders to check the gutters and change the batteries in our smoke detectors!
7. We have oodles and oodles of movies. It was a phase that has since ended {except I am still a sucker for a good kid's movie}, but we needed a way to keep track of the media we do have. Again, this is the perfect place to keep that information, which includes a copies of our movie inventory {you can download a PDF of the Movie Inventory HERE}. I also decided that the pocket was the PERFECT place to keep our Netflix envelopes so they aren't floating all over the living room, under the couch or inside books and magazines... just sayin...
I still would like to keep a media library "Check-Out" checklist, I will be sure to let you know as I do!
8. This next tab is all about me and this happy place I call a blog! I tossed a couple of Blog Ideas sheets into the front of the tab, which are great when a reader suggests I do a blog segment on my favorite meals or how my kitchen is laid out:
I also included a blog "To Do" checklist, which is perfect for me to keep Style Tile and Etsy orders in check, manage giveaway emails and work with my sponsors:
And to keep track of Reader Spaces and Giveaways and Blog Post Topics and slate out a decent schedule, I utilize this 12 month calendar I whipped up:
9. Because our automobiles are an extension of our home, I decided that keeping track of our Auto Maintenance was a great idea!
The tabbed pocket dividers are great for holding any auto maintenance receipts and statements as well!
10. Aside from needing to remember/locate important home information, it's also important to remember your mom's birthday. So the next tab is all about keeping track of those annual important dates.
And those tab pockets come to the rescue one more time, by holding greeting cards for the given month!
11. I created a whole binder for the next category, because for our family, it's a BIG ONE! We feed a family of five plus little daycare munchkins each week, which requires couponing, meal planning and grocery shopping each and every Sunday. This binder is dedicated to all things FOOD.
Let's start by keeping a stash of Grocery Shopping Lists in the front pocket of the binder. I can easily just grab and fill out as necessary when something runs low or as I do our meal planning for the week:
I popped my coupon envelopes in the other side of the divider pocket:
I laminated a copy of our Meal Planning Calendar, so that I could fill in our meals each week, and always have a quick reference for the hubs or I when making dinner or taking out frozen chicken breasts for the next evening....
I wanted to ensure when we were planning out our dishes, that we were using what we already had, so I created a freezer inventory for us to keep track of that endless black pit of a freezer:
And for those crazy busy nights when a meal isn't planned or there isn't time or we just feel like being lazy, we have a pocket just for "Take Out" menus!
The rest of the binder is used to house recipes we have printed off or cut from magazines, just as I chatted about here.
12. Find a place for your binder... where are you going to keep it now that you have it? Our typically is right on the end of our counter or next to my workspace in the living room, but we also ensured that we could tuck it away in our kitchen closet when we pick up for company:
And that is that!
Holy moly macaroly. Well, that's what my little Parker would say. I just say, WOW! LOVE IT!
If that doesn't show you the endless benefits to a central command station which is, The Household Binder, then big Tom Callahan couldn't sell a ketchup popsicle to a woman in white gloves {name that movie}.
But enough about me. Seriously, that's why IHeart this blog! Because I get to see what you have been up to! How you organized your binders! What printables are working best for you! Why you love your household binder almost as much as your first born!
Today is the big day! We get to link up and celebrate our Household Binder success stories, find additional informtaion and give all of our blog friends virtual high fives for accomplishing such a life changing monthly challenge!
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(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
And a button for you:

I want to say THANK YOU to everyone for providing your comments and ideas this month! You really pushed me to succeed and add some important pieces to our binder!
So what do you think?! Leave a comment to sum up your feelings on this project! What benefits have you found! What is your giant printable wish list for me? What do your family members think of all this Household Binder stuff?
I decided a little challenge would be fun! This month we are creating a Home Management Binder! Wanna Join in? Take photos and blog about your awesomeness as you go! I am hoping to do a giant, "We did it!" celebratory post where we can all link up our binder creating success stories at the end of the month!
Im addicted to You. I can sit all night here and read, watch photos and plan what Id do. Im going to do family binder, is great idea. Your look amazing like always:))))
ReplyDeletegreetings from UK
yay! I came late to the binder party, and just started. It's something I've been meaning to do and you just made it 10x easier! Thank you! Ran out to target last night to get my binders in order and the kids school files together. and keep those great organizational tips coming!
ReplyDeleteThis was a great project! I had a busy month, and wasn't gonig to do my binder yet. However, when I downloaded the free sheets I was instantly inspired. Thank you so much for all of your hard work!
ReplyDelete*BTW - any ideas why shapes/pictures that I created in Excel for labels and cover sheets print kind of stretched out? I can't get a round circle - they all come out like ovals. And text that is centered prints off centered. Not sure if you ever had a similar problem, so I thought I'd check! I'm running v.2010
I am amazed at your organizational skills! And the name of the movie is "Tommy Boy"! Hilarious movie:)
ReplyDeleteWhat a great roundup of the work you did over the month! I'm eager to see what you have in store for April.
ReplyDeleteHola from San Antonio, TX Jen! My binder has been complete for several days now and I HEART my binder! I keep looking at it and opening it up, going through the tabs like its a christmas gift...(I know that is so geeky). My binder was something that I had decided to create before you announced the challenge on your blog...but your blog helped me actually finish my binder. Can't wait to see what's in store for april! Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteFirst thank you for helping all of us get organized. It's been a great month trying to figure out which printables I needed for our home right now and which ones I might need for our home. I'm almost finished with my binder, well actually 2 binders and I will link up on Monday probably. Have to finish up the binders over the weekend. So happy to finish this challenge on time so I can link up. :D
ReplyDeleteI think that this binder will keep our home more organized, but most of all keep me more organized. At first my hubby just look at me like why do you want to do a binder like this, but now he has come around to it and loves the idea. Now I will just have to get him to use it with me. ;)
Thank you sooooooooooo much Jen for this great challenge. Can't wait to see what you have in store for April.
Hi Jen
Check out this blog...
I hope you love her blog as I do...:)
Hi Jen! Thank you SO MUCH for doing this project. I had never heard of a household binder before, and I have to say that I definitely {heart} it for sure! The thing I love about learning to get organized from your blog and others is that it makes it easier to spend time and care for the people I love. Your binder (especially the Special Dates chart) has really inspired me, and I even wrote a challenge for a community I help write as a spinoff! I would love it if you check it out. Thanks for doing this, Jen!
Deviantly Domesticated Team
Your generousity is overwhelming!! Thank you for sharing your time-saving organizing pages. I greatly appreciate it!!
ReplyDeleteLove your blog..... and Tommy Boy just cracks me up! :)
ReplyDeleteWow! I want to be just like you! I *dream* of being organized but forget that it takes baby steps and changing mindsets. Love your inspiring blog, which I just found today via a link from One Pretty Thing. I'm following you on rss feeds now. Thanks for the inspiration.
ReplyDeleteYou are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Thank you for sharing all of your fabulous ideas and beautiful work! You are very generous! Love, love, love your site!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for sharing all your cute printables. I have a system that works well for me but I'm incorporating a few of your ideas into it ... and I love the resources. Love your blog!
ReplyDeleteThank you for all the fantastic free printables! I went and got my supplies, minus those awesome pocket files(couldn't find any) and am printing like crazy tonight!
ReplyDeleteThis has definitely been on my to do list just didn't get around to doing it now I shall have it crossed off the list!
Jen, thanks so much for all of the free printables and this great idea. I downloaded them and plan to make my Home Binder this summer when I'm off of work. You are the best!
ReplyDeleteI'm an iAnything type of girl so I wasn't sure a household binder would work for me. I decided to give it a whirl and created my own templates to work for our family. It has given me direction and I'm loving the freedom that organization brings. Thanks for the inspiration!
ReplyDeleteThank you for extending the free printables! I was thrilled to see that I could snag up the rest of them. I don't have my binder finished yet but I am loving how much of a "central brain" it is becoming.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure HOW I found you... but I'm so glad I did. I'm a very organized person, but some of these ideas are incredible and totally new to me. Plus, you make it all look SO beautiful!! Thanks & keep up the fantastic work! I'm crazy excited about implementing this binder idea.
ReplyDeleteOMG! I am loving your blog! I am so following along!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE this, and thanks for all the great free downloads!
ReplyDeleteI hope its not to late to jump in..
ReplyDeleteI have only just found your blog and would love to play along i have just finished my binder..
Such a Fantastic idea..
Thank you for sharing and an even bigger thank you for the templates! :)
Will link up soon..
Just stumbled on your site as I am planning mine right now. Love your site and I have a Preston & a Peyton (girl) too!!! She was gonna be a Parker If she was a boy. Too funny! Will definitely be back to snag your printables!
ReplyDeleteGreat ideas. Thanks. I'm creating one for myself and partner. It's just us and two kitties but I like to be organized. :)
ReplyDeleteWhere did you get the tabs from if you don't ask me asking? :) Thanks.
Time to check out the rest of the blog.
I am LOVING your blog. I'm a crazy organizer myself :) I was wondering, what program do you use to make your templates? I need to make some myself but I'm pretty technically challenged, and unfortunately I can't afford to purchase yours.
ReplyDelete@Beth - Glad you found the blog and are enjoying it! I use Microsoft Excel for my charts! Love it!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteJust found your blog this past weekend! I started my own binder already...and HYPER-linked up to you!
Hi there! I found this post after linking through a series of other blogs and I'm so glad I found you! Your binder is an inspiration as I'm in the process of setting mine up now! Thanks for all the great tips! You have a lovely family. :) ~Bri~
ReplyDeleteHello- Just stumbled on your site via Pinterest. Love your Family Binder, missed the downloads by that much (spoken in my Get Smart voice). I have probably an odd question, could you share where you got your colorful double sided pocket tab dividers? I would love to use the same if I can find them.
Can you please make the above printables available again? Thanks! Sara
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Wish all the printables were still available! :(
ReplyDeleteI just stumbled upon your site via Pinterest and am interested in the Home Maintenance & Auto Maintenance sheets but didn't see them on your Etsy page. How could I get those? Pretty please with sugar on top??? :) I am a fellow I <3 organizing person as well and would like to add them to what I already have for a 'home binder'.
love your binder, tried downloading the printables, sad to know, they are no longer there
ReplyDeleteI am so sad i missed this....please please do it again soon!!
ReplyDeleteVery interested in using the printables. Thanks for the post!
ReplyDelete@Julia, the binder tabs are from Target. They are the Up and Up ones I believe!
ReplyDeleteEveryone else, I hope to be able to continue to expand the items that I have for free to download, however, at this time, the household binder printables and the time investment to create and personalize them is my main income. Thanks so much for understanding.
ReplyDeleteI am new to pinterest and came across your blogs. Thank GOD I did. I need your help to the ulitmate max. My baby is due in just over 2 months and I feel like I still need to get organized to he fullest. I tried to download your sheets to place into a binder and get things rolling, but no luck :( Please help!!
Ellen Smith a.k.a. desperate clutter-monster!
I stumbled onto your blog today and I'm loving it! I actually have multiple binders but I may condense them and include some of your ideas. I have one binder for coupons and recipes. I pull out the recipes for the week move them to the front of the binder so I can scan the ingredients and add what I need to my grocery list. The other binder has birth certificates, medical records, etc and is kept in a small emergency storage container so that if we ever have to evacuate, all the important stuff is in one place. The last binder is for bills, etc. Can't wait to read more of your blog!
ReplyDeleteI found you through a friend's post on Pinterest. This is fabulous. Thanks for the inspiration! I love my notebooks and am always looking for new ways to make them bigger and better. :)
ReplyDeleteBetter late than never..... I have just got started on my Home Management Binder and it's helping me stay on top of things! Thanks for sharing yours and thanks for everything else that you share - I've been popping in for a whiole now and find your blog really inspirational. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome resource. Shame it's circulating on Pinterest, but no longer the free resource it once was.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this post! I just finished my own with help from your site and some of your followers. I'm looking forward to using it!
ReplyDeleteThis may seem like a silly question but I was wondering what everyone was doing with the pages that needed to be reused weekly. Do you simply use a dry erase marker and write in what you need for shopping/to dos/etc or do you print a new sheet each week?
ReplyDeleteI do both. I laminate and write on ones that I use less frequently, but most "lists" like grocery, etc..., I print weekly.
I took your idea and used it in MS OneNote. I have added each of your tabs. And because I can cut and paste or screen print from the internet or anywhere on my computer, I have cut and pasted Take out Menus from our favorite eating places, I have our Chores added to that tab. I haven't printed a hard copy yet. I love that I can access my one note on my adroid phone. However for CPR info, sitter notes and such I will want hard copies. Thank you for the ideas!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing your ideas! I currently working on our very first binder and I can't wait to see how it helps!
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to lie, ever since I've read this post I spend at least a half hour perusing your blog for more posts like this and I haven't been disappointed. Your blog has helped inspire a lot of my own projects, and since I am only twenty and moving into my very first apartment with my brand new hubby and expecting my first baby girl, I'm determined to make my house as nice and organized as possible to prove that young mothers and families can make it without having to be like the girls you see on 16&Pregnant. And your blog has helped me do so already and I haven't even moved yet! :) Keep up the great organizing tips!
ReplyDelete-Jess @ That's Sew Crafty
When you come out with the new printables will they be on your site free first. I tried to buy the old ones on the etsy site, but it wouldn't let me. Love all your ideas. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThe new printables are live in the shop. I can't offer them for free any longer since they are now my main source of income {I no longer do daycare and blog/run the etsy shop for a living}.
DeleteThanks for your support!
All I can say, is THANK YOU!!!!!
OH BOY! I am in the process of making one for our family! Do you think you will do the binder challenge again? I love your printables...or offering the printables again for free?
ReplyDeleteLoving your help!!
Sorry friend - the binder printables are now one of my main sources of income - not sure I will be offering them for free again. I do have a page full of freebies here:
DeleteThanks so much!
I just found this post on Pinterest, and I love the fact that you have others linked to it. I made a binder a few years ago, but have since been thinking that it needs to be re-done, re-vamped, or re-somethinged. I am very excited to go through everyone's posts and get a new start. I even have a brand new, white, 3 inch binder sitting in my room waiting for a reason to use it. Thank you for your encouragement. -Frances
ReplyDeleteWow, this is great. I like the monthly challenges you had last year, will you be doing those link ups again? And thanks for the trip down memory lane with the movie quote, that would be tommy boy :). My hubs and I loved that movie and used to watch it when we were dating.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your blog. iheart it!!! I love to organise and it has inspired me to finally start my own blog after years of wanting to. I can't wait to be able to get my house organised and in order and I love all your tips and tricks.
I am just in the process of making my own household binder. This is the first I have every heard of them and I think I'm a little late to jump on the bandwagon but I have so excited. What a fantastic idea to keep everything together and in one place. I am forever jotting things down in notebooks or filling things away only to need them a few weeks later. And I especially love the house and car maintenance checklists. It is great to be able to look at them and think 'Oh yeah we should clean out the gutters this weekend before the first real rain and everything floods' which happened to us a few weeks ago. I love forward to finishing my folder and blogging about it in the coming weeks!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your blog. iheart it!!! I love to organise and it has inspired me to finally start my own blog after years of wanting to. I can't wait to be able to get my house organised and in order and I love all your tips and tricks.
I am just in the process of making my own household binder. This is the first I have every heard of them and I think I'm a little late to jump on the bandwagon but I have so excited. What a fantastic idea to keep everything together and in one place. I am forever jotting things down in notebooks or filling things away only to need them a few weeks later. And I especially love the house and car maintenance checklists. It is great to be able to look at them and think 'Oh yeah we should clean out the gutters this weekend before the first real rain and everything floods' which happened to us a few weeks ago. I love forward to finishing my folder and blogging about it in the coming weeks!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your blog. iheart it!!! I love to organise and it has inspired me to finally start my own blog after years of wanting to. I can't wait to be able to get my house organised and in order and I love all your tips and tricks.
I am just in the process of making my own household binder. This is the first I have every heard of them and I think I'm a little late to jump on the bandwagon but I have so excited. What a fantastic idea to keep everything together and in one place. I am forever jotting things down in notebooks or filling things away only to need them a few weeks later. And I especially love the house and car maintenance checklists. It is great to be able to look at them and think 'Oh yeah we should clean out the gutters this weekend before the first real rain and everything floods' which happened to us a few weeks ago. I love forward to finishing my folder and blogging about it in the coming weeks!!!
Amazing blog!!! Where did you get the wire wall baskets?
ReplyDeleteAmazing blog!!! Where did you get the wire wall baskets?
ReplyDeleteThank you! They were left over from an over the door organizer we used in our pantry.
You certainly got my attention. Beautiful!
ReplyDeleteBonjour Jen,
ReplyDeleteGreat work! I will share with you my very different experience concerning organizing.
I am a super organized person. I write at home in French and English, I take photos of my region and occasionally sell some, I am continuing my genealogy, and I have numerous ongoing personal and work projects. I do it all in notebooks. OneNote is like a virtual binder or as in my case, a large number of virtual binders.
I have been using Microsoft Office OneNote for a long time and OneNote 2010 since that version came out in Beta. I am still learning but I am getting very good at using OneNote. I do everything you do BUT in OneNote and it is paperless. I organize my whole life in OneNote 2010.
The binder principle is the same. Using real binders is great for when you need to keep something on paper such as a birth certificate. Absolutely everything that can be written in OneNote, every little note, every screen shot, every printable text or receipt that can be added to OneNote is stored there. Even voice recordings and accompanying videos can be done directly into OneNote. And so much MORE! I just do not need to make my pages look pretty.
By the way, all my bills are received online via Postel (a highly secure Canada Post service for receiving important business emails, mainly bills) and paid online via the bank. Both are connected so we can view the monthly statements in Postel and then pay them through the bank. I believe in using less paper. Perhaps you have something equivalent. Surely, you could try to get most of your statements, bills and bank, through the Internet and surely you can pay most of your bills online.
Again, binders are a wonderful idea! They are perfect for some things, just not necessary for most things that can be kept in OneNote.
You do an impressive job! I know it is your main income so keep doing it and good luck!
Oie tudo bem amooo o seu blog...gostaria de saber se não poderia colocar esse printables livres novamente...obrigada!!!!
ReplyDeleteLove this binder! I am in the process of putting one of these together and I was wondering if you could tell me where you got your pocket dividers, I've been looking for ones like yours and have had no luck.
ReplyDeleteHi Tiffany!
DeleteI found them at Target - they are the UP&UP brand. Love them!
Hello Jen,
ReplyDeleteI went back through all your Home Binder posts looking for inspiration to create mine (I also need to create a teacher one; so much work. ;) And I was wondering: what program did you use to create your printables?
Thanks for sharing your process.
LOVE this post. Love, love, love! Thanks for sharing your knowledge :)
ReplyDeleteHello Jen, LOVE LOVE LOVE your site. I've spent hours reading, (should of spent doing!) I am working on a home management binder myself, and I'm going to try to get creative enough and make a daily planner to carry around. I am trying to design my own template and my question for you is where did you come up with your color scheme and graphics? Did you just find them in excel? I'm having a hard time finding a scheme I'm completely in love with! Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated!!
ReplyDeleteHi Heather!
DeleteI found inspiration in some of my favorite items around me {scrapbook papers, binder covers, fabrics, etc...} and just went from there.
I have been working in Excel for many years, so I didn't use templates, however, they do list quite a few on that may help you.
Best wishes!
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Do you have the boys' schedule available in your etsy shop? I often have different babysitters watching our three girls. With two toddlers and an infant, I would like to post a detailed, neat schedule. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHi there!
DeleteI don't any longer as it wasn't a big seller, so I swapped it out for this one to reduce redundancies:
I made the tab pocket folder by myself for my kid's school binder with the normal folder. I am so glad there is "ready made" 3 ring holes tab pocket folder . Please may I ask where I can get them??? Please!
ReplyDeleteI found the pocket dividers at Target - they are the Up & Up brand.
Jen, Please tell me where to get the Tab Pocket Binder ! Thank you
ReplyDeleteLove the idea of getting organized with a family binder but being a full time working mom don't have free time to do daily chores let alone spending hours on a project.. it's like the 4 pages of my daughter's scrapebook I finished..she is now 8
ReplyDeleteWhat program dis you use to make your documents? Thank you in advance...
ReplyDeleteI definitely think you should make these available for free download again... omg I'm so in love!!!
ReplyDeleteI am in the process of making my own planner/organized binder and stationery system! Since I am addicted with stationery, journals, note books etc I had to add this to this huge endeavor! Wow,
ReplyDeleteyou are a blessing and I will try to get your forms. Thank you!
Wow this is 3 years old already? Well I'm a little late, haha. Do you still write checks for all your bills? I'm addicted to online bill pay, so I wouldn't use that part of the binder.
ReplyDeleteHere is what mine consists of. I used yours as a rough draft, so credit goes to you. My family consists of my husband and I, a baby on the way, and our 3 animals.
My tabs are:
Doctor/Medicaid/Wic Info
Baby prep (What we have, still need, and all info on cloth diapering and things to remember when I'm finally a new "Mom"
Business cards (like yours. So I can recommend small business and keep track of every one I like when I need them!)
Animals! - Here I keep all the vet bills, info on health issues, vaccines, keep track of food and litter we use etc.
I wouldn't use a contact list, as mine is backed up in my email. I keep all doctor, vets, mechanics, etc phone numbers logged into my phone at all times.
I have one page dedicated to car stuff - to show the maintenance we need and when. But as far as oil changes, those handy dandy stickers in the windshield work fine for me.
I have an idea/to do page. I don't have as many as you do yet, so this page is small :)
Then next I have the finance tab. (All my stuff still fits in one binder bc my family is still small!) Here I have a list of all my monthly bills and what they average out to be. I update this twice a year so keep the averages up to date. I have an envelope where I put all my receipts and I highlight (color coded of course) what's what on the receipt. Whats groceries, eating out, miscellaneous shopping, gas etc so I can properly track where all of our money goes. All my bills are set up to come out automatically online and I have reminders that come to my phone so I can make sure there is enough money in the account.
Then I have a tab for each month. Here I have all important birthdays, events, holidays, scheduled car maintenance, vet visits, etc on each month. At the beginning of each month I check it and put the events in my phone with reminders, and budget the amount of money that will need to be spent.
I have another binder for all my recipes and meal planning. And here I keep my grocery list and I try to write it out so I dont run all over the store. So I start at aisle one and write what I need there, then aisle 2 and write what I need on and so forth. I keep my coupons here too and make the list according to that. When I'm ready to go shopping, I just get the envelope and list and put it in my purse.
Thats my binder experience :) Thank you so much for helping me!!!!!!
Thank you so much for posting your Binder printables! They really helped me put my Family Command Centre and Binder together :)
ReplyDeleteHere's a link to my post about it if you'd like to take a look at the finished product:
Thank you so much!
I absolutely love your ideas and creativity. I have always had a problem with keeping organized even though I'm a secretary. All these colors and ideas completely changed my ways! You should seriously consider selling bundles for families! How yours are on display with your last name and all the different binders, for people who don't have the time to do this themselves they can tell you the binders they want, their last names and etc.. and you could make them up and sell them. :) If you already do I will be giving your information to everyone I know!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for helping me stay organized!
You are extremely inspiring and motivating!! You should sell these organization kits on Etsy because I would buy one since i don't have a printer at home. Crazy i know. Love what you have done.
ReplyDeleteYou are in luck! I do sell them on Etsy here:
DeleteThank you! :)
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